Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tin Donation Mentality

An hour ago I received an email forwarded by a friend talking about the fate of three young girls being scolded by a lady for asking her to donate her loose change to the tin donation. The blog was written complete with few pictures of the lady in action.

The articles was alright. But I was disturbed with the fact that all the comments online only talked about how fierce the lady and the retribution she would get when her own children were asked by the school to go for the tin donation.

The whole issue started when the schools implemented the idea to ask the students to go out and collect donation in order to build and nurture the philanthropy in them. I think the children have a choice of what to do for this. But since doing tin donation is the easiest, nearly everyone would choose to do this.

Being charitable is good, but learning to be charitable by begging is another very different thing. I am not sure what is expected to be achieved from the whole exercise. But one thing is for sure, the children would just go out and beg until the required time is up.

At the end of the day, we may be nurturing a whole new young generation of people who only know how to beg and request for money when they need them, instead of finding legal ways to create the money out of their creativity.

This is what I call Tin Donation Mentality.