Friday, May 27, 2005

Health Supplement

In my course on Fundamental of Nutrition, the author of the text book we are using explained in very detail about various vitamins and minerals including the optimum dosages for healthy body.

Although he explained about the natural sources of those important nutrients, he also advocated supplementing with health supplements.

For the past few years, I have been involved in few multi-level-marketing companies dealing with health supplement. The message is basically similar. Our nature is not the same as before. The natural food that we have does not have enough nutrients to supply and to give us the necessary nutrients to build and maintain a healthy body.

To stay healthy we have to supplement our food. Of course there are other things like exercise, stress management, healthy mental state, etc., etc. we need to take care.

In a sense I agree, but only to a certain extent. No doubt we have to supplement, but taking in natural food, especially the non-meat source is equally important. From the start of mankind, human has been living out of the nature. Health supplement is a relatively new intention. I believe synchronising our life with nature is equally important.

In conclusion, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat sensibly and take enough supplement and your health should be in a tip-top condition.