Monday, May 23, 2005

CC Open House

In Singapore CC stands for either Community Centre or Community Club depending on the building & facility. The one near Khatib MRT is Nee Soon South Community Club.

Today is an Open Day at the CC. The event started from 9am up to 2 pm. There were many programs and activities during the day. There were also many visitors as well. I noted people coming from as far as Yew Tee, which is located at the other side of the island.

However, during the normal days, there are not many people coming to the CC. Either there are not enough activities organised or the programs are not interesting enough for the residents.

Talking about interest, there should not be any issue as the Open Day was full house. The issue could be either there is not enough activities organised or if there are enough activities, it could be the pricing that is too high.

All these are the possibilities. We will not know for sure before further observation and analysis. One thing is certain, we need to boost up the attendance and participation from the