Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Basic Recipe

The main procedure in doing EFT is called The Basic Recipe. It consists of the setup, sequence, 9-gamut and sequence again.

The Setup is used to clear any psychological reversals that might hinder the problems from being resolved.

The Sequence consists of tapping the 12 to 14 points. They are inner eye brow, side eye, below eye, nose, chin, collar bone, arm pit, (bellow nipple), side of thumb, side of index finger, side of middle finger, (side of ring finger), side of small finger and karate chop.

The 9-gamut consists of nine tappings sequence with eye movement and humming to improve the left and right brian coordination.

Overall, this is all there is to EFT. For further information, you can visit www.emofree.com.