- What does X mean? (Definition Question)
- How can X be described? (Description Question)
- What are the component parts of X? (Simple Analysis)
- How is X made or done? (Process Analysis)
- How should X be done or made? (Directional Analysis)
- What is the essential function of X? (Functional Analysis)
- What are the causes of X? (Causal Analysis)
- What are the consequences of X? (Causal Analysis)
- What are the types of X? (Classification Question)
- How does X compare with Y? (Comparison Question)
- What is the present status of X? (Comparison Question)
- How can X be interpreted? (Interpretation Analysis)
- What are the facts about X? (Reportage)
- How did X happen? (Narration)
- What kind of person, place or thing is X? (Characterization)
- What is my personal response to X? (Reflection)
- What is my memory of X? (Reminiscence)
- What is the value of X? (Evaluation)
- How can X be summarized? (Summary)
- What case can be made for or against X? (Argumentation)