Friday, October 27, 2006

Creating Table in Blog

This is a testing to show that we can create table easily. Just create the table that you like in Microsoft Word. Copy and paste it to the blog. Here is the result.







Monday, October 23, 2006

Questions for Writers

While searching for ideas to write about, I found this very useful list. It was written by Jacqueline Berne. The list is called, "Twenty Questions For The Writer." Here they are:

  1. What does X mean? (Definition Question)
  2. How can X be described? (Description Question)
  3. What are the component parts of X? (Simple Analysis)
  4. How is X made or done? (Process Analysis)
  5. How should X be done or made? (Directional Analysis)
  6. What is the essential function of X? (Functional Analysis)
  7. What are the causes of X? (Causal Analysis)
  8. What are the consequences of X? (Causal Analysis)
  9. What are the types of X? (Classification Question)
  10. How does X compare with Y? (Comparison Question)
  11. What is the present status of X? (Comparison Question)
  12. How can X be interpreted? (Interpretation Analysis)
  13. What are the facts about X? (Reportage)
  14. How did X happen? (Narration)
  15. What kind of person, place or thing is X? (Characterization)
  16. What is my personal response to X? (Reflection)
  17. What is my memory of X? (Reminiscence)
  18. What is the value of X? (Evaluation)
  19. How can X be summarized? (Summary)
  20. What case can be made for or against X? (Argumentation)